We all belong to one of 5 tribes, whether we intend to or not. The tribe with which we associate largely determines what kind of success and happiness we can expect out of life. Choose wisely. All management books are false but some are useful. Consider Tribal Leadership by Dave Logan and John King. If […]
Read moreThe 5 Lies We Love to Tell
The first thing I do when something doesn’t go my way is lie. I don’t lie to others, that would be wrong. What I do is much worse: I lie to myself. One of best ways to improve is to stop lying to ourselves. This is a tall order. Everyone lies. And we all maintain […]
Read moreKnow Thyself: The Power of a Decision Journal
“Formal education will make you a living. Self-education will make you a fortune.” — Jim Rohn I thought I’d share chapter one my book, The Decision Checklist: A Practical Guide to Avoiding Problems. We probably make hundreds, if not thousands, of little decisions every day. We make decisions about what to wear in the morning, […]
Read moreStop Looking for an Easy Exit
How many times do you find yourself saying ‘well, if it sucks I can always do something else’? This is where I used to find myself all the time. I would try something I wanted to be good at and then convince myself after a few hours of struggle that I could try something out. […]
Read moreNo Matter What You Work For Yourself
I work a lot. If I were a lawyer I’d bill 80 hour weeks every week of the year. Why am I not totally burned out, dead on arrival? Because a lot of what you consider life I think of as my job. I don’t distinguish between work and life. Going for a workout? That’s […]
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